  1. ant-design-upload

Ant Design Upload

The Ant Design Upload component provides an easy way to upload files to a web application. This component is customizable and supports a wide range of file types.


    <Icon type="upload" /> Click to Upload


The Ant Design Upload component is used to upload files from a user's device to a web application. This component is typically used when a user needs to upload an image, document, or other file type to the application.


The Ant Design Upload component is essential for web applications that require users to upload files. By providing an easy-to-use interface, the Upload component simplifies the process of uploading files and helps to ensure that users can easily access the files they need.


import React from 'react';
import { Upload, Icon, message } from 'antd';

function onUploadChange(info) {
  if (info.file.status !== 'uploading') {
    console.log(info.file, info.fileList);
  if (info.file.status === 'done') {
    message.success(`${} file uploaded successfully`);
  } else if (info.file.status === 'error') {
    message.error(`${} file upload failed.`);

function App() {
  const props = {
    name: 'file',
    action: '',
    headers: {
      authorization: 'authorization-text',
    onChange: onUploadChange,
  return (
    <Upload {...props}>
      <Icon type="upload" /> Click to Upload

export default App;


The Ant Design Upload component simplifies the process of uploading files to a web application. This component is essential for applications that require users to upload files and provides an easy-to-use interface for doing so. The Upload component supports a wide range of file types and is customizable to fit the needs of different applications.

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