  1. ant-design-grid

Ant Design Grid

Ant Design Grid is a powerful layout component that enables you to create flexible and responsive layouts for your web applications with ease. It's based on the 24-column grid system, which allows you to create complex layouts by dividing the available space into smaller units.


Ant Design Grid has a simple syntax that you can use to define your layouts. You can start by importing the Grid component from the antd library:

import { Grid } from 'antd';
const { Row, Col } = Grid;

To create a layout, you need to define a Row component and one or more Col components inside it. Each Col component represents a column in your layout. You can specify the number of columns that a Col component should occupy using the span property:

  <Col span={6}>Column 1</Col>
  <Col span={12}>Column 2</Col>
  <Col span={6}>Column 3</Col>

In the example above, the layout is divided into three columns: the first and the last one occupy 6 columns each, while the middle one occupies 12 columns.


Ant Design Grid is incredibly versatile and can be used to create a wide range of layouts. You can use it to build anything from simple websites to complex web applications.

By using a 24-column grid system, Ant Design Grid allows you to create complex layouts that are flexible and responsive to the screen size. You can adjust the span of each column as needed to create the perfect layout for your application.

Ant Design Grid also provides support for nested grids, which allows you to create even more complex layouts with ease.


Ant Design Grid is an essential component in building any modern web application with a responsive design. It's a powerful tool that can help you to create professional-looking layouts in a fraction of the time it would take to build one from scratch.

By using Ant Design Grid, you can ensure that your layouts are consistent and coherent, which is essential for providing a seamless user experience. It's also incredibly flexible, allowing you to adapt your layout to different screen sizes and devices.


Here's an example of using Ant Design Grid to build a simple two-column layout:

import { Grid } from 'antd';
const { Row, Col } = Grid;

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
      <Col span={16}>Main Content Column</Col>
      <Col span={8}>Sidebar Column</Col>

export default MyComponent;

This will create a layout with two columns: the first one will occupy 16 of the available columns, while the second one will occupy 8 columns.


Ant Design Grid is a powerful layout component that allows you to create flexible and responsive layouts for your web applications with ease. By using a 24-column grid system, you can create complex layouts that are consistent and coherent, providing a seamless user experience. Whether you are building a simple website or a complex web application, Ant Design Grid is an essential tool for any web developer.

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