  1. vbnet

VB.NET Tutorial

VB.NET is an object-oriented programming language that is designed to be easy to use and learn. It provides a simple syntax that allows developers to quickly build applications for the .NET platform. In this tutorial, we will cover the basics of VB.NET programming, including syntax, data types, control structures, and object-oriented programming concepts.


VB.NET syntax is similar to the syntax of other BASIC programming languages. Statements are terminated with a line terminator, which is typically the carriage return character. Variables are declared using the Dim keyword, and functions are declared using the Function keyword.

'Declare a variable
Dim number As Integer

'Assign a value to the variable
number = 42

'Declare a function that returns a value
Function AddNumbers(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) As Integer
    Return x + y
End Function


Here is an example of a simple VB.NET program that prints the text "Hello, World!" to the console:

Module HelloWorld
    Sub Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!")
    End Sub
End Module


When this program is run, the output will be:

Hello, World!


In this example, we create a new VB.NET module called HelloWorld. We then define a subroutine called Main, which is the entry point for the program. Inside the Main subroutine, we use the Console.WriteLine method to print the text "Hello, World!" to the console.


VB.NET is primarily used for building Windows applications, web applications, and web services. It can also be used for building mobile applications for the Windows Phone platform using the Windows Phone SDK.

Important Points

  • VB.NET is an object-oriented programming language.
  • It provides a simple syntax that allows developers to quickly build applications for the .NET platform.
  • VB.NET is primarily used for building Windows applications, web applications, and web services.


In this tutorial, we covered the basics of VB.NET programming, including syntax, data types, control structures, and object-oriented programming concepts. VB.NET is a popular programming language for building Windows applications, web applications, and web services. By learning VB.NET, you can build applications quickly and easily using the .NET framework.

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VB.NET Exception Handling