  1. ant-design-skeleton

Ant Design Skeleton

The Ant Design Skeleton is a component used to display a content placeholder while the data loads. It helps in enhancing the user experience by giving a visual representation of the data to come. The skeleton page is an easy-to-use and intuitive tool that saves time and resources when designing a webpage.


<Skeleton active={true/false} avatar={true/false} paragraph={{ rows: numberOfRows }}/>


The Ant Design Skeleton is used as a loading placeholder to give an indication that content is being loaded. It can be used on webpages where there is a lot of data to be loaded, but the user experience could be improved by showing visual feedback that something is happening.


Using the Ant Design Skeleton is an essential component when dealing with large amounts of data. This is because it can help create a more positive user experience by indicating to the user that the data is being loaded, as opposed to making the user wait and assume that the page has crashed or is unresponsive.


Below is an example of how the Ant Design Skeleton can be used in a web application:

import { Skeleton } from 'antd';

const Content = () => {
  return (
        <Skeleton active />
        <Skeleton active />
        <Skeleton active />
        <Skeleton active />

export default Content;

The above code will display four skeleton blocks, each indicating that data is being loaded.


In conclusion, the Ant Design Skeleton is a valuable tool for web developers seeking to enhance the user experience of their web applications. By using the Skeleton component, users can obtain visual feedback that data is being loaded, rather than assuming the page is unresponsive. The use of the Skeleton can save time and resources while contributing to a more positive user experience.

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