  1. ant-design-timepicker

Ant Design TimePicker

The TimePicker component in Ant Design is used for selecting time values. If you want to use the TimePicker component, you'll need to install Ant Design in your project first.


The TimePicker component in Ant Design allows for easy selection of time within a specified range. To implement, use the following basic syntax:

import { TimePicker } from 'antd';

const TimePickerComponent = () => (
  <TimePicker />


The TimePicker component simplifies the process of selecting time, offering a user-friendly interface for time input. It allows setting the time in a way that is intuitive and efficient for users.


The TimePicker component is vital in applications where time selection is a crucial element. Its intuitive design and various customization options make it a preferred choice for implementing time-related functionalities in a user-friendly manner.


import { TimePicker } from 'antd';

const TimeSelection = () => {
  function onChange(time, timeString) {
    console.log(time, timeString);

  return (
    <TimePicker onChange={onChange} />


The Ant Design TimePicker component provides a convenient way to integrate time selection into your applications. Its intuitive interface and customization options make it a valuable tool for ensuring a smooth user experience in time-related functionalities. Whether for scheduling, appointment setting, or any time-specific input, the TimePicker simplifies the process of time selection.

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