  1. ant-design-message

Ant Design Message

Ant Design Message is a simple and customizable message component in Ant Design that provides feedback messages for users. It allows developers to display success, warning, error, and other types of messages to the user.


The syntax for Ant Design Message is as follows:

message[type](content, [duration], onClose);

Here, type refers to the type of message (such as 'success', 'warning', 'error') and content refers to the message content. duration is an optional parameter that controls the duration for which the message is displayed, and onClose is a callback function that is called when the message is closed.

Types of messages

There are four types of messages in Ant Design Message:

  • success

  • error

  • warning

  • info


To use Ant Design Message, first, import it from the Ant Design library:

import { message } from 'antd';

To display a message, simply call the message function with the appropriate type and content:

message.success('This is a success message');
message.error('This is an error message');
message.warning('This is a warning message');'This is an info message');

Alternatively, you can also customize the duration and add a callback function:

message.success('This is a success message', 5, () => console.log('Message closed'));


Ant Design Message is a great way to provide feedback to users about the outcome of their actions. It can be used to display success messages when a task is completed, warnings when there are issues with the user's input, and error messages when something goes wrong.

Using Ant Design Message can improve the user experience by providing clear and concise feedback on the status of their actions.


Here's an example of using Ant Design Message in a form validation scenario:

import { message } from 'antd';

const validateForm = () => {
  // Validate inputs
  if (!input1 || !input2 || !input3) {
    message.error('Please fill in all fields');

  // Submit form
  message.success('Form submitted successfully!');

In this example, the validateForm function checks whether all the required form inputs are filled in. If not, it displays an error message using Ant Design Message. If the inputs are valid, the form is submitted and a success message is displayed.


Ant Design Message is a useful component in the Ant Design library that provides feedback messages for users. It can be used to display success, warning, error, and other types of messages to the user. Using Ant Design Message can improve the user experience by providing clear and concise feedback on the status of their actions.

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