  1. ant-design-avatar

Ant Design Avatar

The Ant Design Avatar component is used to create a visual representation of a user or entity in your application. It can be used to display a profile picture, initials, or any other visual representation of the user.


The Avatar component can be included in your React application using the following syntax:

import { Avatar } from 'antd';



The Avatar component is commonly used to display user profile pictures in web applications. It can also be used to create custom icons or logos for your application.


The Avatar component is important because it helps users identify and recognize other users or entities in your application. It provides a visually appealing way to display a user's profile picture, which can enhance the user experience.


import { Avatar } from 'antd';

function UserProfile({ name, picture }) {
  return (
      <Avatar size="large" src={picture} />

In this example, the Avatar component is used to display a user's profile picture alongside their name.


The Ant Design Avatar component is an important tool for creating a visually appealing user interface in web applications. It can be used to display user profile pictures, custom icons, and logos. The syntax for including the Avatar component in your React application is simple and easy to use.

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