  1. ant-design-tree

Ant Design Tree

The Ant Design Tree is a powerful and customizable component that enables users to display hierarchical data such as navigation menus or file structures. In this guide, we will discuss the syntax, use, importance, example and summary of Ant Design Tree.

Syntax of Ant Design Tree

The basic syntax for Ant Design Tree is as follows:

import { Tree } from 'antd';

const { TreeNode } = Tree;

function Demo() {
  // Tree data
  const treeData = [
      title: 'Parent Node',
      key: '0',
      children: [
          title: 'Child Node',
          key: '0-0',

  return (
      onSelect={(selectedKeys, info) => {
        console.log('selected', selectedKeys, info);

function renderTreeNodes(data) {
  return => {
    if (item.children) {
      return (
        <TreeNode title={item.title} key={item.key}>
    return <TreeNode {...item} />;

Use of Ant Design Tree

Ant Design Tree is used to display and manipulate hierarchical data in a structured and easy-to-understand way. It provides a user-friendly interface that allows users to expand or collapse nodes, select nodes, or even drag and drop nodes within the tree.

Ant Design Tree is useful for building applications that require the organization of complex data, such as file management systems, organizational charts, or project management tools.

Importance of Ant Design Tree

Ant Design Tree is an important component in the Ant Design library, and it is widely used by developers to build complex and robust applications. Its flexible and customizable nature makes it a versatile tool for displaying and manipulating hierarchical data.

Ant Design Tree provides a seamless user experience and allows for easy navigation through complex data structures, enabling users to complete tasks quickly and efficiently.

Example of Ant Design Tree

Below is an example of how Ant Design Tree can be used in real-world applications:

import { Tree } from 'antd';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';

const { TreeNode } = Tree;

function App() {
  const [data, setData] = useState([]);

  const fetchData = async () => {
    const result = await axios.get('/api/getData');

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  const renderTreeNodes = (treeData) => => (
      <TreeNode title={} key={}>
        {node.children && renderTreeNodes(node.children)}

  return (
      <h1>File Structure</h1>

export default App;


Ant Design Tree is a powerful component that enables users to display hierarchical data in a structured and intuitive way. With its flexible and customizable nature, it is widely used by developers to build complex and robust applications. By using Ant Design Tree, you can create a seamless user experience and enable easy navigation through complex data structures.

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