  1. ant-design-spin

Ant Design Spin

<Spin> is an Ant Design component that provides a visual cue to the user that a process is in progress. The component displays a spinning indicator icon along with a message informing the user that the process is still ongoing.


The syntax for the <Spin> component is as follows:

<Spin />

The component can be customized using various props, such as size, tip, delay, and more.


The <Spin> component is useful in situations where the user needs to be informed that a process is taking place and to wait for the results. It can be used to indicate that a page is loading, an AJAX call is being made, or any other long-running process is taking place.


The <Spin> component is important for improving the user experience by providing a visual cue that the process is ongoing and the user needs to wait for it to complete. Without the component, the user might think that the system has frozen or stopped responding, which can lead to frustration and confusion.


Here's an example of the <Spin> component in action:

import { Spin } from 'antd';

function MyComponent() {
  return (
      <h1>My Component</h1>
      <Spin />

In this example, the <Spin> component is used to indicate that the page is still loading while the user waits for the content to appear.


<Spin> is an important Ant Design component for providing a visual cue to the user that a process is in progress. It can be customized using various props to fit the specific needs of the application. By using the component, developers can improve the user experience and prevent confusion or frustration caused by long-running processes.

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