  1. ant-design-progress

Ant Design Progress

The Progress component in Ant Design is used to display the progress of a task or process. It can be used to represent the completion status of an operation, such as file upload, form submission, or any other task that involves progress tracking.


<Progress percent={30} />


Ant Design Progress is a UI component that displays progress for tasks, processes, or completion statuses. It can be used in various scenarios, including loading progress, task progress, and skill proficiency.


It is important to display progress visually to users to provide transparency and reduce frustration. The Ant Design Progress component helps to give users a clear view of how much progress has been made, and what still needs to be done.


import { Progress } from 'antd';

    <Progress percent={30} />
    <Progress percent={50} status="active" />
    <Progress percent={70} status="exception" />
    <Progress percent={100} />
    <Progress percent={50} showInfo={false} />


Ant Design Progress is a useful component that can be used in various scenarios to provide users with a clear view of progress. Its syntax is simple and easy to use, making it ideal for developers. By displaying progress visually, users can easily understand how much progress has been made, and what still needs to be done.

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