  1. ant-design-descriptions

Ant Design Descriptions

Ant Design Descriptions is a UI component that provides a way to display key-value pairs in a clear and concise way. In this page, you will learn about the syntax, use, importance, example, and summary of Ant Design Descriptions.


Here's the syntax for Ant Design Descriptions:

<Descriptions title="Title" bordered>
  <Descriptions.Item label="Label 1">Value 1</Descriptions.Item>
  <Descriptions.Item label="Label 2">Value 2</Descriptions.Item>
  <Descriptions.Item label="Label 3">Value 3</Descriptions.Item>
  <Descriptions.Item label="Label 4">Value 4</Descriptions.Item>

In this syntax:

  • title is the title of the description.
  • bordered adds a border around the component.
  • Descriptions.Item is used for each key-value pair.


Ant Design Descriptions is used wherever there is a need to display key-value pairs. For example, it can be used in an ecommerce site to display product details, or in a dashboard to show user statistics.


Ant Design Descriptions is an important component because it ensures that key-value pairs are displayed in a clear and concise way. This is especially important in data-heavy applications where users will appreciate information that is easy to read and understand.


Here's an example of Ant Design Descriptions in action:

<Descriptions title="Product Details" bordered>
  <Descriptions.Item label="Product Name">Super Duper Widget</Descriptions.Item>
  <Descriptions.Item label="SKU">12345</Descriptions.Item>
  <Descriptions.Item label="Price">$49.99</Descriptions.Item>
  <Descriptions.Item label="Description">
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

This will display the following:

Ant Design Descriptions Example


Ant Design Descriptions is a UI component that provides a way to display key-value pairs in a clear and concise way. Its syntax is easy to use and understand, making it an essential component in data-heavy applications. By displaying information in a clear and concise way, users can easily read and understand what's in front of them.

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