  1. ant-design-empty

Ant Design Empty Page

If you're referring to creating an empty page or a placeholder page in an Ant Design application, you can achieve this by using Ant Design components and layout.


The syntax for using the Ant Design Empty page is as follows:

<Empty />


The Ant Design Empty page is used to display a message that informs the user that there is no content to be displayed on a page. It is an important component to use when designing a user interface as it helps to provide clear and concise feedback to the user in scenarios where there is no data or content to be displayed.


The Ant Design Empty page is an important component to use when designing a user interface as it helps to provide better user experience and feedback to the user. A page that is empty or lacking in content can be confusing and frustrating, leading to a poor user experience. The Ant Design Empty page helps to alleviate this problem by providing a clear and concise message to the user, explaining the absence of content on the page.


import { Empty } from 'antd';

function MyComponent() {
  return (
      <Empty description="No data found" />


The Ant Design Empty page is an important component to use when designing a user interface as it helps to provide clear and concise feedback to the user in scenarios where there is no data or content to be displayed. It is easy to use and can be customized to suit the needs of your application. By using the Ant Design Empty page, you can provide a better user experience and improve the overall usability of your application.

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