  1. ant-design-radio

Ant Design Radio

Ant Design Radio is a component of the popular UI library Ant Design that allows you to create radio buttons quickly and easily. The radio component is useful for letting users select only one option from a set of choices.


The basic syntax for using the Ant Design Radio component is as follows:

import { Radio } from 'antd';

const options = [
  { label: 'Option 1', value: '1' },
  { label: 'Option 2', value: '2' },
  { label: 'Option 3', value: '3' },

function onChange(e) {
  console.log('radio checked',;

<Radio.Group options={options} onChange={onChange} />

In the example above, we import the Radio component from Ant Design and create an array of options to be displayed as radio buttons. We then pass that array as a prop to the Radio.Group component along with a function to handle changes in the selected option.

Use and Importance

The Ant Design Radio component is an essential part of any UI library. Radio buttons are a common way for users to select one option from a set, and they have a clear advantage over checkboxes and other UI elements in terms of providing a streamlined and easy-to-use interface for users.

Using the Ant Design Radio component can save developers time and effort in building custom radio button components from scratch. Additionally, Ant Design Radio comes with a number of built-in features like accessibility options and customizable styles that make implementation a breeze.


Here is an example of using Ant Design Radio component in a form. We have three radio button options and a submit button:

import { Radio, Button } from 'antd';

const options = [
  { label: 'Option 1', value: '1' },
  { label: 'Option 2', value: '2' },
  { label: 'Option 3', value: '3' },

const MyForm = () => {
  function onChange(e) {
    console.log('radio checked',;

  function onSubmit() {
    // Handle form submission here

  return (
      <Radio.Group options={options} onChange={onChange} />
      <Button type="primary" onClick={onSubmit}>Submit</Button>

export default MyForm;

In this example, we render the radio group component with the options as an array and attach an onChange method that logs the selected radio button. We then render a submit button that handles the form submission.


Ant Design Radio is a simple yet powerful component for creating radio buttons. It provides a streamlined interface for users to select options and comes with a number of built-in features like accessibility options and customizable styles. By using Ant Design Radio, developers can save time and effort in building custom radio button components from scratch.

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