  1. pl-sql

PL/SQL - PL/SQL Tutorial

PL/SQL (Procedural Language/Structured Query Language) is an Oracle proprietary programming language that allows developers to write stored procedures, functions, and triggers for the Oracle database. It combines the power of SQL with procedural programming constructs like loops, conditional statements, and exception handling.


The basic syntax of PL/SQL is similar to that of other programming languages like C or Java. Here is an example of a simple PL/SQL program that prints "Hello, World!" to the console:

    -- variable declarations
    -- executable statements
    dbms_output.put_line('Hello, World!');

The DECLARE section is used for variable declarations, and the BEGIN...END block contains the executable statements of the program. In this case, we are using the built-in dbms_output package to print the message to the console.


Here is an example of a PL/SQL program that calculates the area of a circle:

    -- variable declarations
    radius NUMBER := 10;
    area NUMBER;
    -- executable statements
    area := 3.14 * radius * radius;
    dbms_output.put_line('The area of the circle is ' || area);

In this example, we declare a variable radius with an initial value of 10. We then calculate the area of the circle using the formula πr^2 and store the result in the area variable. Finally, we use dbms_output to print the result to the console.


The output of a PL/SQL program is typically displayed using the dbms_output package. The output is displayed in a separate window in SQL Developer or in the console if you are running PL/SQL from a command-line interface.

The area of the circle is 314


In the above example, we use the DECLARE keyword to declare a variable called radius with an initial value of 10. We then calculate the area of the circle using the formula πr^2 and store the result in the area variable. Finally, we use the dbms_output package to print the result to the console.


PL/SQL is commonly used to write stored procedures and triggers for the Oracle database. It provides developers with the ability to write more complex and sophisticated database applications that incorporate both SQL and procedural programming constructs.

Important Points

  • PL/SQL is a proprietary programming language developed by Oracle.
  • It allows developers to write stored procedures, functions, and triggers for the Oracle database.
  • PL/SQL combines the power of SQL with procedural programming constructs like loops and conditional statements.
  • Output is typically displayed using the built-in dbms_output package.


PL/SQL is a powerful programming language that allows developers to write more complex and sophisticated database applications for the Oracle database. It combines the power of SQL with procedural programming constructs like loops and conditional statements. It is commonly used to write stored procedures and triggers for the Oracle database.

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