  1. ant-design-slider

Ant Design Slider

Ant Design Slider is a UI component provided by Ant Design, a popular UI library for building web applications. The Slider component allows users to select a value from a range of numeric values by moving a slider handle along a track.


The syntax for using Ant Design Slider is as follows:

import { Slider } from 'antd';

const handleChange = (value) => {

<Slider defaultValue={30} onChange={handleChange} />;

In the above example, we import the Slider component from Ant Design, set a default value of 30, and define a handleChange function to log the current value of the Slider whenever it changes.

Use and Importance

The Ant Design Slider component is an important tool for building web applications that require users to select values from a range of options. It's particularly useful for applications that require users to input numeric values, such as data analysis tools, financial calculators, and e-commerce platforms.

The slider component can be customized to fit the design and functionality of your application. You can adjust the range of values, change the appearance of the slider handle, and add labels to indicate the minimum and maximum values.


Here's an example code snippet that shows how to use Ant Design Slider to create a range slider:

import { Slider } from 'antd';

const handleChange = (value) => {

<Slider range defaultValue={[20, 50]} onChange={handleChange} />;

The above code creates a range slider with a default range of 20 to 50. The handleChange function will log an array containing the current range whenever the user moves the slider handles.


Ant Design Slider is a powerful and flexible component that provides an easy way for users to select numeric values from a range of options. Its customization options make it a valuable tool for building web applications that require input of numeric values. With Ant Design Slider, you can create professional-looking interfaces that are both functional and user-friendly.

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