  1. mongo-db

MongoDB Tutorial

MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database used for storing and handling unstructured data. This tutorial covers the basics of MongoDB, including how to install and use it, BSON data format, CRUD operations, and more.


  • Introduction to MongoDB
  • Install MongoDB
  • Fundamental Concepts
  • The MongoDB Shell
  • BSON Data Format
  • CRUD Operations
  • Querying Data
  • Indexing
  • Aggregation
  • Conclusion

Introduction to MongoDB

MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database used for storing and handling unstructured data. It was created in 2007 by a company called MongoDB, Inc. and has since become one of the most popular NoSQL databases in use today.

MongoDB uses a JSON-like document format called BSON (binary JSON) to store data. BSON is a binary serialization format used to represent data structures in a lightweight, binary format, making it more efficient than JSON for storing and processing large data sets.

One of the main benefits of MongoDB is the flexibility it provides for storing data. Unlike traditional relational databases, MongoDB does not require a schema to be defined in advance. Instead, data is stored in documents, which are similar to JSON objects, and can have different fields and structures.

Install MongoDB

To get started with MongoDB, you'll need to install it on your machine. MongoDB provides installers for Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Visit the MongoDB download page and select your operating system to download the installer. Once the download completes, run the installer and follow the prompts to complete the installation.

Fundamental Concepts

Before we dive into using MongoDB, it's important to understand some basic concepts:

  • Database: A database is a container for collections.
  • Collection: A collection is a container for documents.
  • Document: A document is a set of key-value pairs that represent a single entity.
  • Field: A field is a key-value pair in a document.
  • Id: MongoDB automatically creates a unique _id field for each document that serves as its primary key.

The MongoDB Shell

The MongoDB shell is a command-line interface for working with MongoDB. You can use the shell to connect to a MongoDB instance, create databases and collections, insert and query data, and more.

To start the MongoDB shell, open a terminal window and type mongo. This will connect you to a MongoDB instance running on your local machine.

BSON Data Format

As mentioned earlier, MongoDB uses a binary serialization format called BSON to store data. BSON is a binary-encoded serialization of JSON-like documents, including support for embedded documents and arrays.

BSON provides several benefits over JSON, including:

  • Smaller document size: BSON is more compact than JSON, allowing you to store more data in less space.
  • Faster encoding and decoding: BSON is designed to be fast and efficient for reading and writing data.
  • Support for additional types: BSON includes additional data types, such as binary data and dates, that are not included in JSON.

CRUD Operations

MongoDB provides a set of CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations for working with data:

  • Insert: Adds a new document to a collection.
  • Find: Retrieves one or more documents from a collection.
  • Update: Modifies one or more documents in a collection.
  • Delete: Removes one or more documents from a collection.

Here's an example of how to perform each of these operations using the MongoDB shell:

Insert a new document:

  name: "John",
  age: 30,
  hobbies: ["reading", "sports"]

Find documents that match a query:

db.users.find({ name: "John" })

Update a document:

  { name: "John" },
  { $set: { age: 31 } }

Delete documents that match a query:

db.users.deleteMany({ age: { $gt: 30 } })

Querying Data

MongoDB provides a powerful query language for retrieving data from collections. You can query for documents that match a specific set of criteria using operators such as $eq, $ne, $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $in, $not, $and, and $or.

Here's an example of how to query for documents that match a specific set of criteria:

  age: { $gt: 30 },
  hobbies: { $in: ["reading", "sports"] }


MongoDB supports indexing for faster querying and sorting of data. An index is a data structure that allows MongoDB to quickly locate documents based on the values of specific fields.

To create an index, you can use the createIndex method:

db.users.createIndex({ name: 1 })

This creates a new index on the name field that is sorted in ascending order.


MongoDB provides a way to perform aggregation operations, such as grouping and counting, on collections. Aggregation pipelines allow you to combine multiple operations into a single pipeline for more complex queries.

Here's an example of how to perform an aggregation operation using a pipeline:

    $group: {
      _id: "$age",
      count: { $sum: 1 }

This groups documents by the age field and then counts the number of documents in each group.


In this tutorial, we covered the fundamentals of MongoDB, including how to install and use it, BSON data format, CRUD operations, querying data, indexing, and aggregation. With this knowledge, you should be able to start working with MongoDB in your own projects.

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MongoDB Misc