  1. ant-design-mentions

Ant Design Mentions

Ant Design Mentions is a text input component that provides suggestions and mentions while the user types in text. It's a powerful component that's ideal for chat applications and social networks, as it allows users to easily tag or mention other users in their messages.


The Mentions component can be easily integrated into your React application using the following syntax:

import { Mentions } from 'antd';

const { Option } = Mentions;

function App() {
  return (
      <Option value="John">John</Option>
      <Option value="Jane">Jane</Option>
      <Option value="Robert">Robert</Option>

export default App;

The Mentions component provides suggestions as soon as the user starts typing. The suggestions list can be customized and the component can be controlled programmatically.

Use and Importance

Ant Design Mentions provide a seamless and user-friendly experience with automated suggestions for mentioned names. It saves time and improves the overall user experience, making it an important component for modern web development.

Mentions can be very useful in chat or messaging applications in which the user can refer to other users in their message. They are becoming an essential component in more complex web applications where users communicate with each other frequently.


Here's an example of implementing Ant Design Mentions in a React component:

import { Mentions } from 'antd';

const { Option } = Mentions;

const MentionComponent = () => {
  const handleSearch = (value) => {
    console.log('Searching...', value);

  const handleSelect = (_, option) => {
    console.log('Selected:', option);

  return (
      <Option value="John">John</Option>
      <Option value="Jane">Jane</Option>
      <Option value="Robert">Robert</Option>

export default MentionComponent;

In the example above, the Mentions component listens to the onSearch() and onSelect() events, which allow the developer to control what happens when a user types text or selects an option from the suggested list.


In summary, Ant Design Mentions is a powerful text input component that provides suggestions and mentions while the user types. It's a great tool for creating user-friendly chat applications and social networks that require the user to tag or mention other users. With its customizable features and easy-to-use syntax, Mentions is an essential component for modern web development.

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