  1. ant-design-collapse

Ant Design Collapse

The Ant Design Collapse component is a React-based collapsible content container that allows users to show or hide content sections on a page. The component is highly configurable and can display hidden content when the user clicks on a trigger element.


To use the Ant Design Collapse component in your React application, you'll need to import it first. Here's the basic syntax for using the component in your code:

import { Collapse } from 'antd';

const { Panel } = Collapse;

function MyCollapse() {
  return (
      <Panel header="This is panel header 1" key="1">
        <p>Content of panel 1</p>
      <Panel header="This is panel header 2" key="2">
        <p>Content of panel 2</p>
      <Panel header="This is panel header 3" key="3">
        <p>Content of panel 3</p>


The Ant Design Collapse component is used to create collapsible content sections on a webpage. It is commonly used to create a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) or a list of items with additional details that can be expanded or collapsed.


The Ant Design Collapse component is an essential part of many websites and applications. It allows users to interact with and control the content they see on a page without having to leave the page or navigate to another page. This can help improve the user experience and reduce friction, ultimately leading to increased engagement and conversions.


Here's an example of the Ant Design Collapse component being used to create an FAQ section:

import { Collapse } from 'antd';

const { Panel } = Collapse;

function FAQ() {
  return (
    <Collapse defaultActiveKey={['1', '2']}>
      <Panel header="What is Ant Design?" key="1">
        <p>Ant Design is a design language and a React-based UI library for building web applications.</p>
      <Panel header="How do I install Ant Design?" key="2">
        <p>You can install Ant Design by running the following command: npm install antd --save</p>
      <Panel header="How do I use Ant Design components?" key="3">
        <p>You can import and use Ant Design components in your React application. Check out the Ant Design documentation for more information.</p>
      <Panel header="Does Ant Design support mobile devices?" key="4">
        <p>Yes, Ant Design is responsive and works well on mobile devices.</p>


The Ant Design Collapse component is a powerful and versatile tool for creating collapsible content sections on a webpage. It allows users to control the content they see without leaving the page, improving the user experience and increasing engagement. With its flexible and customizable options, the Ant Design Collapse component is a must-have for any modern website or application.

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