  1. ant-design-calendar

Ant Design Calendar

Ant Design Calendar is a powerful and customizable calendar component for React applications. It provides consistent design, intuitive interaction, and efficient development experience.


The syntax for using Ant Design Calendar component is as follows:

import { Calendar } from 'antd';

<Calendar />


Ant Design Calendar can be used for various purposes such as scheduling appointments, setting reminders, displaying events, and much more. It supports multiple view modes including month, week, and day and allows you to customize the layout, style, and behavior of the calendar based on your requirements.


Ant Design Calendar is an essential component for building modern and efficient web applications. It provides a feature-rich and well-designed interface for managing time-based events and tasks. With its extensive customization options and user-friendly behavior, it can enhance the user experience and make your application more engaging.


Here is a simple example of how to use Ant Design Calendar component:

import React from 'react';
import { Calendar } from 'antd';

const MyCalendar = () => {
  function onPanelChange(value, mode) {
    console.log(value, mode);

  return (
    <div className="calendar-container">
      <Calendar fullscreen={false} onPanelChange={onPanelChange} />

export default MyCalendar;

In the above code, we import the Calendar component from the antd library and use it in our MyCalendar functional component. We also define a callback function onPanelChange that logs the selected date and the current view mode to the console. Finally, we render the calendar with some props such as fullscreen and onPanelChange.


Ant Design Calendar is a versatile and functional component that can be used for managing time-based data in React applications. It provides a rich set of customizations, multiple view modes, and intuitive interactions to create a seamless user experience. With its ease of use and flexibility, Ant Design Calendar is an ideal choice for building modern web applications.

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