  1. ant-design-badge

Ant Design Badge

The Ant Design Badge is a component used to display a small badge with a count or status on top of another element. It can be used to highlight something important, like a new message or notification.


To use the Ant Design Badge, you first need to import it into your project:

import { Badge } from 'antd';

Then you can use the Badge component like this:

<Badge count={5}>
  <a href="#">Inbox</a>

You can customize the appearance of the badge using various props, such as:

  • count: The count displayed in the badge. It can be a number or a string.
  • status: The type of status displayed in the badge. It can be 'success', 'processing', 'error', 'default', or 'warning'.
  • color: The color of the badge.
  • text: The text to display when the count is 0.
  • overflowCount: The maximum count to display before showing '+'. Defaults to 99.
  • style: Custom styles to apply to the badge.


The Ant Design Badge component can be used in various ways, such as:

  • To show the number of unread messages or notifications in a messaging app or dashboard.
  • To highlight the number of items in a shopping cart or wishlist.
  • To show the status of an item, like 'new', 'on sale', or 'hot'.


The Ant Design Badge component is important because it provides a simple and effective way to draw attention to important information or status updates. It helps users quickly identify what needs their attention or focus, improving the overall user experience of your application.


Here is an example of using the Ant Design Badge to highlight the number of unread messages in an inbox:

<Badge count={10} color={'#f50'}>
  <a href="#">Inbox</a>


The Ant Design Badge component is a powerful and flexible way to highlight important information or status updates in your application. It can be customized to fit your specific needs, and can be used in a variety of ways to improve the user experience of your application.

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