  1. ant-design-result

Ant Design Result Page

Ant Design Result Page is a component that is used to present feedback or status information to users after completion of a task. The component allows you to customize the page with different types of information and styling options that will enhance user experience.


The syntax for Ant Design Result Page is as follows:

import { Result } from "antd";

< Result
  title="Task Completed Successfully"
  subTitle="Your task has been completed successfully"
    <Button type="primary" key="home">
    <Button key="back">Back</Button>,


The Ant Design Result Page component is used to provide feedback or status information in a clear and concise way. It can be used in a variety of scenarios like login success/failure, form submission success/failure, order confirmation, and more.


The Ant Design Result Page is essential for creating a user-friendly interface that enables users to understand the status of the operation they have just performed. It helps to reduce anxiety and confusion among users and provides quick feedback that increases user satisfaction.


import { Result, Button } from "antd";

const Demo = () => {
  return (
      title="Congratulations, your order has been placed successfully."
      subTitle="Order number: 2017182818828182881"
        <Button type="primary" key="home">
        <Button key="order">Order Details</Button>,

ReactDOM.render(<Demo />, mountNode);


In summary, the Ant Design Result Page component is essential for creating a user-friendly interface that enables users to understand the status of the operation they have just performed. It is simple to use and customizable, providing various types of information and styling options to enhance the user experience.

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