  1. ant-design-cascader

Ant Design Cascader

Ant Design Cascader is a versatile UI component that allows users to select a hierarchical category or option from a dropdown list. It's a great way to simplify the selection process for users, particularly when dealing with large volumes of data.


  placeholder="Please select"

The options prop is an array of objects that represent the hierarchical data structure. Each object should contain the value, label, and children properties, which represent the value to be returned, the label to be displayed, and any child options, respectively.

The onChange prop is a function that is called whenever an option is selected. It receives an array of selected values as its argument.

Use and Importance

Cascader is a useful UI component for scenarios where you need to group or categorize a large dataset. It provides a slick user interface that makes it easy for users to navigate through the data and select the option they need.

Apart from its usefulness in data manipulation, Cascader also helps in user experience optimization. By simplifying the selection process, the user can easily find what they are looking for without having to navigate through multiple pages or forms.


Here is a simple example of how the Cascader component works in action:

import { Cascader } from 'antd';

const options = [
    label: 'Asia',
    value: 'asia',
    children: [
        label: 'Japan',
        value: 'japan',
        children: [
            label: 'Tokyo',
            value: 'tokyo',
        label: 'Thailand',
        value: 'thailand',
        children: [
            label: 'Bangkok',
            value: 'bangkok',
            label: 'Phuket',
            value: 'phuket',
    label: 'North America',
    value: 'north_america',
    children: [
        label: 'USA',
        value: 'usa',
        children: [
            label: 'California',
            value: 'california',

const App = () => {
  const handleChange = (value) => {
    console.log('Selected:', value);

  return (
    <Cascader options={options} onChange={handleChange} placeholder="Please select" />

export default App;

In this example, we have created a set of hierarchical data representing locations, and passed it as the options prop to the Cascader component. Notice that the onChange prop is set to a function that receives the selected values as an argument. When the user selects an option, the handleChange function will be called with the selected values printed to the console.


Cascader is a useful and versatile UI component in the Ant Design library. It simplifies the selection process for users by allowing them to navigate through a hierarchical category or option list. This component helps in designing optimized user experience for data manipulation. And it's easy to use and customize, making it a go-to choice for developers looking to create professional-looking interfaces.

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