  1. ant-design-breadcrumb

Ant Design Breadcrumb

Ant Design Breadcrumb is a navigation component that shows the current location within a hierarchy. The breadcrumb helps users understand where they are in the application's hierarchy and how to navigate back to previous pages.


To use Ant Design Breadcrumb in your application, you need to import it first.

import { Breadcrumb } from 'antd';

Then, you can use the following syntax to create a basic Breadcrumb:


The Breadcrumb.Item component is used to define each item in the breadcrumb. You can nest these items to create a hierarchy.

Use and Importance

Breadcrumb controls the navigation by providing a trail of links to show the user's location relative to the rest of the site. It lets the user know where they came from, where they are, and more importantly, where they can go next.

Using a breadcrumb in your application can improve the user experience and help users find their way around your application more easily. It is a good practice to use a breadcrumb on pages that have a hierarchical structure, such as e-commerce websites, blogs, and forums.


Here's an example of using Ant Design Breadcrumb in a React component:

import { Breadcrumb } from 'antd';

const MyBreadcrumb = () => {
  return (
      <Breadcrumb.Item>Web Development</Breadcrumb.Item>

export default MyBreadcrumb;

This code will display a breadcrumb with three items: Home, Training, and Web Development.

You can customize the appearance of the breadcrumb by using various props provided by Ant Design.


Ant Design Breadcrumb is a useful navigation component that helps users understand where they are within an application's hierarchy. It is easy to use and can improve the user experience of your website or application. Use it on pages with a hierarchical structure to help users find their way around your application more easily.

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