  1. ant-design-tag

Ant Design Tag

In Ant Design, the Tag component is used to represent categorical and contextual information in a visually appealing way. Tags can be used to label and categorize content.


<Tag color="color" closable onClose="handleClose">
  tag content


  • color: The color of the tag. Can be any valid CSS color.
  • closable: Whether the tag is closable. Defaults to false.
  • onClose: Callback function triggered when the close button is clicked.


Ant Design Tag is a UI component for displaying tags in your application. Tags are typically used to label or categorize content. The Ant Design Tag component allows users to add, remove, and modify tags in the application.


Tags are a useful tool for organizing and categorizing content in your application. They allow users to quickly find related content based on a specific topic or category. The Ant Design Tag component provides an easy-to-use interface for adding, removing, and modifying tags in your application.


import { Tag } from 'antd';

function MyComponent() {
  const [tags, setTags] = useState(['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3']);

  const handleClose = (removedTag) => {
    const newTags = tags.filter(tag => tag !== removedTag);

  return (
      { => (
        <Tag key={tag} closable onClose={() => handleClose(tag)}>


The Ant Design Tag component is a versatile tool for organizing and categorizing content in your application. It allows users to quickly add, remove, and modify tags, making it easy to find related content based on a specific topic or category. With its flexible syntax and props, the Ant Design Tag component is a valuable addition to any UI toolkit.

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