  1. ant-design-divider

Ant Design Divider

Ant Design Divider is a horizontal line that separates content into sections. It's a simple and useful component that adds visual interest to your layout and helps break up long sections of text.


The syntax for Ant Design Divider is as follows:

import { Divider } from 'antd';

<Divider />

You can customize the divider's appearance by passing in various props, such as type, dashed, orientation, and plain. For example:

<Divider type="vertical" dashed />


Dividers are commonly used to separate brief content blocks vertically or horizontally. They're also often used to separate different parts of a page, such as a header and footer or a sidebar and main content area.


The importance of Ant Design Divider lies in its ability to improve the overall visual hierarchy and readability of your content. By dividing your content into distinct sections, you can create a more organized and sleek layout that draws the viewer's attention to the relevant information.


Here's an example of how you can use Ant Design Divider in your application:

import { Divider } from 'antd';

const Profile = ({ name, email, bio }) => {
  return (
      <Divider />
      <Divider />

export default Profile;

In this example, we're using Ant Design Divider to separate information about a user's name, email, and bio.


Ant Design Divider is a useful and easy-to-use component that adds visual interest and structure to your layout. By breaking up your content into distinct sections, you can create a more organized and professional-looking interface.

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