  1. ant-design-switch

Ant Design Switch

The Switch component in Ant Design is a simple yet powerful UI element that allows users to toggle between two states. It's commonly used to enable or disable certain features or settings in an application.


<Switch defaultChecked />

The Switch component can be imported from the antd library in your JavaScript code. It accepts several props, including defaultChecked, checked, and onChange.


The Switch component is commonly used to allow users to turn on or off certain features or settings in an application. It can also be used to toggle between two different states, such as a light or dark mode for the user interface.


The Switch component is an important UI element because it is easy to use and intuitive for users, allowing them to quickly toggle features or settings on and off. It also provides a visual cue for the current state, making it clear to users whether a feature is enabled or disabled.


Here's an example of a simple Switch component in use:

import { Switch } from 'antd';

const MySwitch = () => {
  const [checked, setChecked] = useState(true);

  const onChange = (value) => {

  return (
      <p>Toggle feature: {checked ? 'on' : 'off'}</p>
      <Switch checked={checked} onChange={onChange} />

export default MySwitch;

In this example, the Switch component is used to toggle a feature on and off. The component is initialized with a default state of true, and the onChange function updates the state to reflect the current value of the Switch.


The Switch component in Ant Design is an important and useful UI element that allows users to toggle between two states. It's easy to use and intuitive for users, and provides a clear visual cue for the current state of a feature or setting. With its simple syntax and powerful functionality, the Switch is a valuable tool for creating professional-looking interfaces for web applications.

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