  1. f-sharp

F# Programming Language

F# is a multi-paradigm language developed by Microsoft. It is a functional language that combines the power of functional programming with the ease of use of a modern programming language. F# delivers true functional programming, allowing to create complex problem-solving algorithms in an efficient way.


F# syntax is similar to other functional programming languages. It has a syntax that is concise and expressive that allows programmers to write code more quickly.

Here is an example of F# code for calculating the area of a circle:

let pi = 3.14159
let areaCircle radius =
    pi * radius * radius


let x = 5
let y = 10
printfn "The sum of %d and %d is %d" x y (x+y)

In the above example, we are defining two integer variables x and y and then printing their sum to the console using printfn. The %d is a placeholder for the integer values.


The output of the above code will be:

The sum of 5 and 10 is 15


In F#, the let keyword is used to define a variable. In the above example, we are defining two variables x and y with values 5 and 10 respectively. We are then using the printfn function to print the sum of x and y to the console.


F# is mostly used for data-rich computing, scientific computing, parallelism, algorithmic development, reactive programming, and game development. It provides a concise syntax which is easy to use and expressive.

Important Points

  • F# is an open-source, cross-platform language, developed by Microsoft.
  • F# is a functional language that combines the power of functional programming with the ease of use of a modern programming language.
  • F# uses a concise and expressive syntax which is easy to use and understand.
  • F# is mostly used for scientific computing, data analytics, algorithmic development, parallelism, reactive programming, and game development.


F# is a powerful and expressive functional language used for scientific computing, data analytics, and algorithmic development. It offers a concise syntax and is known for its ease of use and expressiveness. It is a versatile language that can be used for a variety of applications, including reactive programming, parallelism, and game development.

Published on:
F# Type Inference
F# Options
F# Generics
F# Records
F# Enumeration
F# Reference Cells
F# Type Extensions
F# Operator Overloading
F# Delegates
F# Object Expressions
F# Access Control