  1. ant-design-tooltip

Ant Design Tooltip

The Ant Design Tooltip component displays informative content when users hover their mouse over an element. This component is useful for providing additional contextual information, especially in cases where space limitations make it difficult to include all the necessary information on the page.


import { Tooltip } from 'antd';

<Tooltip title="This is a tooltip message">
  <span>Hover over me</span>


To use the Ant Design Tooltip component, you need to import it from the antd library and wrap it around the element you want to trigger the tooltip. The title prop is used to specify the content that will be displayed when the user hovers over the element.


The Ant Design Tooltip component provides users with additional information about a particular element on the page, without cluttering the UI. By displaying content only when the user hovers over an element, it allows for a more streamlined and minimalist design, while still providing the necessary information users need.


import { Tooltip, Button } from 'antd';

<Tooltip title="Click me to submit">
  <Button type="primary">Submit</Button>


The Ant Design Tooltip component is used to provide additional contextual information to users when they hover over an element on the page. It allows for a minimalist design while still providing the necessary information, making it a powerful tool for creating intuitive interfaces.

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