  1. ant-design-steps

Ant Design Steps

Ant Design provides a Steps component that allows developers to break up complex processes into a set of smaller, manageable steps. This can help make the user experience more intuitive and reduce cognitive overload for users. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the Ant Design Steps component and how you can use it in your application.


Here's the basic syntax for using the Ant Design Steps component:

import { Steps } from 'antd';

const { Step } = Steps;

function Example() {
  return (
      <Step title="Step 1" />
      <Step title="Step 2" />
      <Step title="Step 3" />


The Ant Design Steps component is ideal for use in a variety of scenarios such as a multi-step payment flow, a sign-up form, or a guided setup process. By breaking the process up into smaller steps, you can provide clearer instructions and a more engaging user experience. It's also possible to customize the look and feel of the Steps component to match your application's branding.


Using the Ant Design Steps component can:

  • Help users understand the context of their interactions and where they are in a complex process
  • Provide a sense of progress and achievement as users complete each step
  • Improve the overall user experience by making it simpler and more intuitive


Here's an example of using the Ant Design Steps component in a multi-step sign-up form:

import { Steps, Form, Input, Button } from 'antd';

const { Step } = Steps;

function SignUpForm() {
  const [currentStep, setCurrentStep] = useState(0);

  const nextStep = () => {
    setCurrentStep(currentStep + 1);

  return (
      <Steps current={currentStep}>
        <Step title="Account" description="Enter email and password" />
        <Step title="Profile" description="Enter your personal details" />
        <Step title="Finish" description="Review and submit" />
        {currentStep === 0 && (
            <Form.Item label="Email">
              <Input />
            <Form.Item label="Password">
              <Input.Password />
            <Button type="primary" onClick={nextStep}>
        {currentStep === 1 && (
            <Form.Item label="First Name">
              <Input />
            <Form.Item label="Last Name">
              <Input />
            <Button onClick={() => setCurrentStep(currentStep - 1)}>Previous</Button>
            <Button type="primary" onClick={nextStep}>
        {currentStep === 2 && (
            <h3>Account Information</h3>
            <p>Email: </p>
            <p>Password: </p>
            <h3>Personal Information</h3>
            <p>First Name: </p>
            <p>Last Name: </p>
            <Button onClick={() => setCurrentStep(currentStep - 1)}>Previous</Button>
            <Button type="primary" onClick={() => alert('Form submitted!')}>


The Ant Design Steps component is a useful tool for breaking up complex processes into smaller, more manageable steps. Its customization options and intuitive interface provide a strong foundation for creating engaging and effective user experiences. So next time you find yourself dealing with a multi-step process in your app, consider using the Ant Design Steps component for a more seamless user experience.

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