  1. software-testing-white-box-testing

White Box Testing

White box testing is a type of manual testing approach where testers have knowledge of the internal workings of the application being tested. This type of testing is also known as clear box testing, structural testing, or glass box testing. In white box testing, the tester assesses the code, running through it line-by-line and identifying any errors or bugs in the code.


There is no specific syntax for performing white box testing. It involves having a fundamental understanding of the code and the technology stack used to develop it.


Consider an example where a tester is manually testing a web application. The tester has knowledge of the internal workings of the application and is able to identify errors in the code. Here are the steps the tester may take:

  1. Review the source code to identify any potential errors or bugs.
  2. Step through the code, line by line, to identify any syntax errors, memory leaks, or other issues.
  3. Use debugging tools to identify any runtime errors or security vulnerabilities.
  4. Update the code and/or documentation to address any issues identified during testing.


White box testing is a type of manual testing approach where testers have knowledge of the internal workings of the application being tested. The goal of this type of testing is to identify any errors or bugs in the code, to ensure the application is functioning as expected. In order to perform white box testing, testers should have a fundamental understanding of the code and the technology stack used to develop it.


White box testing is used to ensure the quality of the application being tested and to identify any errors or bugs in the code. It is typically performed by testers who have expertise in both the programming language used to develop the application as well as the underlying technology stack.

Important Points

  • White box testing may not be unbiased, as the tester has knowledge of the application's code and internal workings.
  • White box testing can be time consuming and may require more resources than other testing approaches.
  • Because white box testing requires knowledge of the code, it is not always possible to use this approach for third-party software that does not have access to the source code.


In summary, white box testing is a type of manual testing approach where testers have knowledge of the internal workings of the application being tested. The goal of white box testing is to identify any errors or bugs in the code, to ensure the application is functioning as expected. While this type of testing can be helpful in ensuring the quality of the application, it may not be unbiased and can be time-consuming.

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