  1. software-testing-sdlc-vs-stlc

SDLC vs STLC - Testing Differences

The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) are two critical components of software engineering. These two frameworks have different phases, objectives, and deliverables. In this tutorial, we will explore the differences between SDLC and STLC.

Understanding the Differences between SDLC and STLC


SDLC consists of several phases, including planning, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance.

STLC consists of several phases, including planning, designing the test environment, developing test cases, executing test cases, and reporting bugs.


Let's consider an example to understand the differences between SDLC and STLC.

  • In SDLC, the planning stage involves identifying the customer's needs and defining the requirements for the project. The design phase involves creating a blueprint of the software application, including the user interface and architecture. The development phase involves writing code and integrating it into the software application. The testing phase involves testing the software application for any bugs or errors, and the maintenance phase involves maintaining and updating the software application.

  • In STLC, the planning stage involves identifying the scope of testing and creating test plans. The designing phase involves creating test environments and preparing test data. The development phase involves creating test cases and test scripts. The execution phase involves executing test cases and reporting bugs. The maintenance phase involves maintaining and updating the test cases and test scripts.


The output of SDLC is a fully functional software application that meets customer requirements and expectations.

The output of STLC is bug-free software application that meets all its functional and nonfunctional requirements.


The primary difference between SDLC and STLC is the objective of each framework. SDLC focuses on the development of a software application, while STLC focuses on testing the software application. In SDLC, the final output is a fully functional software application that meets customer requirements and expectations. In STLC, the final output is a bug-free software application that meets all its functional and nonfunctional requirements.

Another significant difference is that SDLC is a linear process, while STLC is an iterative process. In SDLC, each phase occurs sequentially and is completed before the next phase begins. In contrast, STLC allows for concurrent testing and development, with testing feeding back into the development process.


SDLC and STLC are two critical components of software engineering, and understanding the differences between the two can help software development teams ensure that they follow the right process to develop, test and launch a software application.

Important Points

  • SDLC focuses on developing a software application, while STLC focuses on testing it.
  • SDLC is a linear process, while STLC is an iterative process.
  • The output of SDLC is a fully functional software application, while the output of STLC is a bug-free software application.


In this tutorial, we explored the differences between SDLC and STLC. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points to provide a better understanding of the two software development frameworks. By understanding the differences between SDLC and STLC, software development teams can ensure that they follow the right process to develop, test, and launch a software application.

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