  1. software-testing-defect-bug-tracking-tools

Defect/Bug Tracking Tools - Software Testing Tools

Defect tracking is an important part of software testing and management. Defect tracking tools help keep track of defects and ensure that they are resolved quickly and efficiently. In this tutorial, we will explore defect/bug tracking tools.

Using Defect/Bug Tracking Tools


Defect tracking tools are used to track and manage defects/bugs in software applications. These tools provide an interface to log, track, assign and resolve defects/bugs. Some popular defect tracking tools include Jira, Bugzilla, and HP ALM.


Let's consider Jira as an example of a defect tracking tool. Here's an example of how to use Jira for defect tracking:

  1. Create a new issue in Jira as a defect/bug report.
  2. Assign the issue to a tester/developer for investigation.
  3. Once the issue has been investigated, the tester/developer can make a note of their findings in the Jira issue.
  4. Assign the issue to a developer for resolution.
  5. Once the developer has resolved the issue, they can mark it as fixed in the Jira issue.
  6. Assign the issue to a tester for verification.
  7. Once the tester has verified the issue, they can mark it as verified/resolved in the Jira issue.


The output of defect tracking tools is a clear picture of the progress of the defect from registration to resolution. This helps teams manage and track defects efficiently.


Defect tracking tools help track and manage defects/bugs in software applications. Defect tracking tools provide an interface to log, track, assign and resolve defects/bugs. These tools also help collaboration between team members.


Defect tracking tools are useful for tracking defects in software applications. By using defect tracking tools, teams can efficiently resolve defects and ensure that the user experience is not impacted negatively. Defect tracking tools also help collaboration between team members.

Important Points

  • Defect tracking tools provide an interface to log, track, assign and resolve defects/bugs.
  • Jira, Bugzilla, and HP ALM are some popular defect tracking tools.
  • Defect tracking tools are useful for tracking defects in software applications and collaboration between team members.


In this tutorial, we learned about defect/bug tracking tools, their syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points. By using defect tracking tools such as Jira, Bugzilla, or HP ALM, teams can efficiently resolve defects and ensure that the user experience is not impacted negatively. Defect tracking tools also help collaboration between team members and are an important part of software testing and management.

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