  1. software-testing-black-box-testing

Black Box Testing

Black Box Testing is a type of manual testing where the tester has no knowledge of the internal workings of the system being tested, and focuses on testing its functionality without knowing the internal architecture, design, or implementation.


There is no specific syntax for performing black box testing, as it is a manual testing approach and does not involve any programming or scripting.


Consider a scenario where a tester needs to perform black box testing on a login page. Here, the tester will not have any access to the source code or internal workings of the login page, and will only be able to test the page based on its functionality and user interface. The tester will proceed to test various scenarios such as:

  • Testing the login page with valid credentials.
  • Testing the login page with invalid credentials.
  • Testing the functionality of "Forgot Password" link.
  • Testing the page for security vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection attacks.


Black Box Testing is an approach to testing where the tester does not have any access to the internal workings of the system being tested and is limited to testing its functionality based on its inputs and outputs. It mimics real-world usage scenarios and ensures that the system being tested can be used in a real-life situation.


Black Box Testing is used to validate the functionality of a system being tested without any knowledge of its internal working architecture. It is used in situations where the system being tested has a complex and layered architecture and testing teams cannot validate the functionality of every component in relative isolation.

Important Points

  • Black Box Testing is a manual approach to testing where the tester does not have access to the source code or the internal workings of the system.
  • Testers should focus on testing the system's functionality and user interface, including edge cases and negative scenarios.
  • Black Box Testing is particularly useful for complex systems that are layered and have different components that work together.


Black Box Testing is a powerful tool for testing complex systems with multiple layers. It is a manual testing approach that focuses on testing the functionality of the system, without knowing its internal architecture, design, or implementation. Testers should focus on testing the functionality and user interface of the system under test and expect different environments and components to work in concert.

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