  1. software-testing-brs-vs-srs

BRS vs SRS - Testing Differences

When developing software applications, it is important to have a clear and concise understanding of the requirements. Business Requirements Specification (BRS) and Software Requirements Specification (SRS) documents help achieve this. In this tutorial, we will discuss the differences between BRS and SRS and their impact on testing.

Understanding the Differences between BRS and SRS


A BRS is a document that outlines the high-level business requirements, such as market trends, customer needs, and competition. An SRS, on the other hand, is a detailed document that outlines the technical requirements for the software application.


Here's an example of how BRS and SRS can differ in terms of their content:

  • BRS for a food ordering application: "Our users want to be able to order food easily and quickly from their mobile devices."
  • SRS for the same application: "The food ordering application must have a user-friendly interface with options to add, remove, or modify items in the user's cart."


The output of BRS and SRS documents is a clear understanding of the business and technical requirements for the software application.


BRS defines the high-level requirements that a software application should meet. It is focused on the business requirements, such as the market trends, customer needs, and competition. In contrast, SRS is more detailed and specific, outlining the technical requirements for the software application.

From a testing perspective, SRS is more important because it specifies the technical details of how the application should function, and can be used to create test cases that test the functionality of the software application.


BRS and SRS documents are essential for software development, providing developers and testers a clear understanding of the requirements for the software application.

Important Points

  • BRS is a high-level document outlining business requirements.
  • SRS is a detailed document outlining technical requirements.
  • SRS is more important from a testing perspective, as it specifies the technical details of the software application.


In this tutorial, we discussed the differences between BRS and SRS documents and their impact on testing. While BRS outlines high-level business requirements, SRS is more detailed and specific, outlining the technical requirements for the software application. From a testing perspective, SRS is more important as it specifies the technical details of the software application and can be used to create test cases that test the functionality of the software.

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