  1. software-testing-prototype-model

Prototype Model

The prototype model is a software development life cycle (SDLC) model that involves creating an initial working model of the software system before developing the complete system. The prototype model is iterative and incremental in nature, allowing for continuous feedback from users to refine the prototype until it is ready for production.


There is no specific syntax for the prototype model. It is a conceptual model that involves creating a working prototype of the software system.


Consider the following example of using the prototype model in software development:

  1. Gather requirements for the software system.
  2. Develop an initial prototype of the system that includes key functionality and features.
  3. Provide the prototype to users for evaluation and feedback.
  4. Refine the prototype based on user feedback and continue to provide updated prototypes for evaluation.
  5. Repeat the process of gathering feedback and refining the prototype until it is ready for production.


The output of the prototype model is a working prototype of the software system that can be evaluated and refined based on user feedback.


In the prototype model, an initial prototype of the software system is created, which is then evaluated and refined based on user feedback until it is ready for production. The model is iterative and incremental in nature, allowing for continuous improvement of the prototype before the final software system is developed.


The prototype model is useful when the requirements of the final software system are not well-defined, or when a new software system is being developed. It allows for quick feedback and modification of the prototype based on user evaluation, reducing the risk of developing a final system that does not meet user needs.

Important Points

  • The prototype model is iterative and incremental in nature, allowing for continuous feedback from users.
  • The prototype should be developed using the most important and relevant features to get useful feedback from users.
  • The prototype model should be used in situations where requirements are not clear or when new systems are being developed.
  • The prototype model can be used in conjunction with other SDLC models, such as the Waterfall or Agile models, depending on the project needs.


The prototype model is an SDLC model that involves creating a working prototype of the software system before developing the complete system. It is useful in situations where requirements are not clear or when new systems are being developed. The model is iterative and incremental in nature, allowing for continuous feedback from users. The prototype is evaluated and refined based on user feedback until it is ready for production. The prototype model can be used in conjunction with other SDLC models depending on project needs.

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