  1. software-testing-recovery-testing

Recovery Testing - (Other Types of Testing)

Recovery testing is a type of testing that determines how well an application can recover after a system failure or other unexpected event. In this tutorial, we'll discuss recovery testing in more detail, including its purpose, how it works, and best practices for performing recovery testing.


There is no specific syntax for recovery testing.


Suppose you have an e-commerce website that allows customers to place orders online. To test the recovery capabilities of this website, you can perform the following steps:

  1. Place an order and verify that it is recorded in the database.
  2. Simulate a system failure, such as a power outage or network outage.
  3. Restart the system and verify that the order is still recorded in the database.
  4. Place another order and verify that it is also recorded in the database.

This test ensures that the e-commerce website can recover from unexpected system failures and that no data is lost during the recovery process.


Recovery testing is the process of testing an application's ability to recover from unexpected events, such as system failures or network outages. The goal of recovery testing is to ensure that the application can recover quickly and completely, with little or no data loss or corruption.


Recovery testing is an important type of testing that should be performed on any application that processes critical or sensitive data. This includes financial applications, e-commerce websites, healthcare applications, and more.

Important Points

Here are some important points to keep in mind when performing recovery testing:

  • Test in a controlled environment that simulates real-world conditions.
  • Use automated tools to simulate system failures and unexpected events.
  • Test the recovery capabilities of the entire system, including databases, servers, and other components.
  • Test the recovery time and ensure that it meets the requirements of your application.
  • Test the recovery process with both planned and unplanned events.


In this tutorial, we discussed recovery testing, including its purpose, how it works, and best practices for performing recovery testing. Recovery testing is an important type of testing that ensures that an application can recover from unexpected events and that no data loss or corruption occurs during the recovery process. By following best practices when performing recovery testing, you can ensure that your application is robust and reliable in the face of unexpected events.

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