  1. software-testing-stubs-vs-drivers

Stubs vs Drivers - Testing Differences

Stubs and drivers are both used in software testing to simulate missing components of a system under test. They help testers isolate and debug issues in a systematic way. In this tutorial, we will take a closer look at stubs and drivers and explore their differences.

Understanding Stubs and Drivers


The primary syntax for creating a stub or driver depends on the programming language and framework of the system under test. Typically, a stub or driver is a code module that simulates parts of the system under test. The stub or driver usually provides data and method calls to the module or component under test.


Here's an example to help illustrate the difference between a stub and a driver:

Assume that our system under test (SUT) is a payment gateway that needs to integrate with a bank API. The bank API requires authorization tokens to complete a transaction. However, the bank API is not available for testing during development. We can create a stub that simulates the bank API to ensure that the payment gateway continues to function as expected. The stub would provide authorization tokens and the expected data required to complete a transaction.

Additionally, say that we need to test a new module that has not yet been integrated into the system under test. We can create a driver that simulates the expected input and output of the new module, allowing us to test it independently. The driver would pass test data to the module and record the expected output, allowing us to verify that the new module functioned as expected.


The output for using a stub or driver is usually a log or print result, indicating whether the module or component under test functioned as expected.


Stubs and drivers are both used to simulate missing components of a system under test, allowing testers to isolate and debug issues in a systematic way. The primary difference is in how they are used. A stub is used to simulate a dependent module or component, while a driver is used to test a new module or component.


Stubs and drivers are useful in various types of software testing, including unit testing and integration testing. They help testers isolate and debug issues quickly and efficiently.

Important Points

  • Stubs and drivers are used to simulate missing components of a system under test.
  • A stub is used to simulate a dependent module or component, while a driver is used to test a new module or component.
  • Stubs and drivers help testers isolate and debug issues quickly and efficiently.


In this tutorial, we learned about stubs and drivers and explored their differences. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points to provide a better understanding of how stubs and drivers are used in software testing. Stubs and drivers help testers isolate and debug issues in a systematic way, making them a valuable tool in various types of software testing.

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