  1. software-testing-quality-assurance-vs-quality-control

Quality Assurance vs Quality Control - Testing Differences

Quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) are two important concepts in the field of software testing. Quality assurance is the process of establishing and maintaining a set of measures to ensure that the software being developed meets the required quality standards. Quality control is the process of verifying that the software meets these quality standards. In this tutorial, we will explore the differences between quality assurance and quality control.

Understanding Quality Assurance and Quality Control


Quality assurance is mainly focused on preventing defects and issues by implementing processes and standards that ensure that the software meets the quality requirements. This involves defining and documenting procedures for each phase of the software development life cycle.

Quality control, on the other hand, is focused on detecting and correcting issues in the software that fail to meet the quality standards. This involves inspecting the software at various stages of the development process to find defects and ensure that the software meets the required quality standards.


For example, imagine that you are responsible for testing a new mobile application. Here's how the quality assurance and quality control processes could look like.

  • Quality Assurance process:

    • Establishing a set of standards for functionality, usability, and performance.
    • Creating a document describing test cases and test scenarios.
    • Defining a standardized testing environment.
    • Documenting the process of change management for code changes.
  • Quality Control process:

    • Manually testing the application using the predefined test cases and scenarios.
    • Reporting defects and monitoring progress.
    • Verifying fixes to defects and retesting the application to ensure that no new bugs were introduced.


The output of quality assurance and quality control is a well-designed and tested software application that meets the defined quality standards.


Quality assurance and quality control are two different processes, but they work together to ensure that a software application is of high quality. Quality assurance focuses on establishing processes and procedures to prevent defects from occurring. Quality control, on the other hand, is focused on identifying and correcting defects that have already occurred.

By implementing both of these processes effectively, a software application can be designed, tested, and deployed with confidence that it meets the desired quality standards.


Understanding the differences between quality assurance and quality control is essential for ensuring that a software application meets the defined quality standards. Proper implementation of both will minimize the chances of defects and issues in the software.

Important Points

  • Quality assurance is focused on ensuring that the software being developed fits defined quality standards, while quality control is focused on verifying that the software meets these quality standards.
  • Quality assurance aims to prevent defects and issues, while quality control aims to detect and correct them.
  • Both processes work together to ensure that the software is of high quality.


In this tutorial, we learned about the differences between quality assurance and quality control, their syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points. Both processes are essential to ensure the quality of software applications. By implementing proper quality assurance and quality control processes, teams can minimize the chances of defects and issues in the software, and ensure it meets the defined quality standards.

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