  1. software-testing-monkey-testing

Monkey Testing - Other Types of Testing

Monkey testing is a widely used technique for performing random and chaotic tests on the software to find faults, defects or abnormal behavior. It is performed without following any specific test case or plan. In this tutorial, we will discuss Monkey Testing in detail.

Performing Monkey Testing


There is no specific syntax for performing monkey testing as it involves randomly performing actions on a software application.


Here's an example of monkey testing on a software application:

  1. Open the application.
  2. Click on any button on the screen.
  3. Save the data without filling in any fields.
  4. Close the application.
  5. Launch the application again.
  6. Enter random characters in the username and password fields.
  7. Submit the form without entering all mandatory fields.


The output of monkey testing is a report that includes details of all possible defects and errors found while performing the random actions.


Monkey testing is a technique where testers randomly perform actions on the software application. It is important to note that monkey testing is not a substitute for other types of testing. Instead, it is an addition to the existing testing methods.

Monkey testing helps in identifying issues that might go unnoticed during traditional testing methods. It highlights the areas of an application that need further testing and attention.


Monkey testing is particularly useful in detecting issues in complex software applications. It can be performed during the initial stages of the software development cycle to identify defects and errors early on.

Important Points

  • Monkey testing is a type of random testing performed on the software application.
  • It is useful in identifying defects, faults or abnormal behaviors that might go unnoticed in other types of testing methods.
  • It is not a replacement for other testing methods.


In this tutorial, we learned about monkey testing and how it is used in software testing. We discussed the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points to help you better understand this technique. By performing monkey testing, you can easily identify defects, faults, and abnormal behaviors in software applications. However, it is important to note that monkey testing is not a substitute for other types of testing methods.

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