  1. software-testing-test-case-vs-test-scenarios

Test Case vs Test Scenarios - Testing Differences

Test cases and test scenarios are two important concepts in software testing. Both are used to ensure that the software application is functioning as expected. In this tutorial, we will explore the differences between test cases and test scenarios.

Understanding Test Case and Test Scenarios


Test cases are specific details or instructions that describe how to perform a test on a software application. Test scenarios, on the other hand, are high-level test cases or test plans that describe what needs to be tested.


Let's assume we are testing a simple login page. Here's an example of a test scenario and test cases:

  • Test Scenario: Verify that the login page is working as expected.
  • Test Cases:
    1. Verify that the login page is accessible from the home page.
    2. Verify that the user can enter valid login credentials and be redirected to the dashboard page.
    3. Verify that an error message is displayed when the user enters invalid login credentials.


The output of test cases and test scenarios is a clear picture of what has been tested and what needs to be tested. This helps teams ensure that the software application is functioning as expected.


Test cases are specific details or instructions that describe how to perform a test on a software application. Test scenarios, on the other hand, are high-level test cases or test plans that describe what needs to be tested.

Test scenarios define the scope of testing, while test cases provide specific details on how to perform each test. Test scenarios are usually created at the beginning of a testing phase, while test cases are created after the test scenarios are defined.


Test cases and test scenarios are both used to ensure that the software application is functioning as expected. By defining clear test scenarios and specific test cases, teams can efficiently test the software application and ensure that all requirements are met.

Important Points

  • Test cases are specific details or instructions that describe how to perform a test on a software application.
  • Test scenarios are high-level test plans that describe what needs to be tested.
  • Test scenarios define the scope of testing, while test cases provide specific details on how to perform each test.


In this tutorial, we learned about the differences between test cases and test scenarios. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points to provide a better understanding of how to use test cases and test scenarios in software testing. By defining clear test scenarios and specific test cases, teams can efficiently test the software application and ensure that all requirements are met.

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