  1. software-testing-dynamic-testing

Dynamic Testing - (Other Types of Testing)

Dynamic testing is a type of testing that involves executing the software being tested to observe its behavior and identify defects. It is often used in conjunction with other types of testing, such as static testing, to provide a comprehensive testing strategy. In this tutorial, we'll cover the basics of dynamic testing, its syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary.


There is no specific syntax for dynamic testing.


Dynamic testing can take many forms, including manual testing or automated testing using tools like Selenium or Appium. For example, in manual dynamic testing, a tester might perform a set of actions on a web application, such as filling out a form and submitting it, and then observe the output to verify that it matches the expected results. In this case, the tester is executing the software being tested in order to identify any defects.

Automated dynamic testing using tools like Selenium or Appium can also be used to execute software and identify defects. For example, a Selenium test script might navigate to a web application, fill out a form, and submit it, while verifying that the expected output is displayed to the user.


The output of dynamic testing is the behavior of the software being tested. When defects are identified during dynamic testing, they are typically reported to the development team as a bug report, along with steps to reproduce the issue and any supporting documentation.


Dynamic testing is an essential component of software testing. It involves executing the software being tested to observe its behavior and identify defects. By executing the software, testers can identify problems that may not have been identified by other types of testing, such as static analysis.


Dynamic testing is used to assess the quality of software by identifying defects that may not have been caught by other types of testing. It is often combined with other types of testing to provide a comprehensive approach to software testing.

Important Points

Here are some important points to keep in mind when using dynamic testing:

  • Dynamic testing is an essential component of software testing and should be included in any testing strategy.
  • Testers should have a good understanding of the software being tested and the expected behavior before conducting dynamic testing.
  • Automated dynamic testing using tools like Selenium or Appium can provide more efficient and consistent testing than manual testing alone.
  • When defects are identified during dynamic testing, they should be reported to the development team as a bug report with clear instructions on how to reproduce the issue.


In this tutorial, we discussed the basics of dynamic testing and its importance in software testing. We covered its syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary. Dynamic testing is an essential component of any testing strategy, as it involves executing the software being tested to observe its behavior and identify defects. By incorporating dynamic testing into your testing approach, you can ensure that your software is of the highest quality and free of defects.

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