  1. software-testing-severity-priority

Severity & Priority - (Defect Tracking)

Defect tracking is an important process in software development that allows teams to track and manage bugs and issues that are discovered during testing. Two important aspects of defect tracking are severity and priority. In this tutorial, we'll discuss how severity and priority are used in defect tracking.


There is no specific syntax for working with severity and priority in defect tracking.


Suppose you have discovered a bug in your application that causes it to crash when a certain button is clicked. You might assign this bug a severity of "critical" because it prevents users from using the application. You might also assign it a priority of "high" because it needs to be fixed as soon as possible.


Severity and priority are two important aspects of defect tracking that are used to prioritize the work that needs to be done to fix a bug or issue.

Severity is a measure of how serious a bug or issue is. Bugs that affect critical functionality or prevent users from using the application are typically considered "critical" or "high severity". Bugs that have minor impact on the functionality of the application are typically considered "low severity".

Priority is a measure of the urgency of fixing a bug or issue. Bugs that seriously affect the operation of the application or affect many users are typically considered "high priority" and are assigned to developers so that they can be fixed as soon as possible. Bugs that affect only a small number of users or have minimal impact on the functionality of the application might be considered "low priority" and fixed at a later date.


Severity and priority are used in defect tracking to prioritize the work that needs to be done to fix bugs and issues. By assigning severity and priority to each bug or issue, teams can focus their efforts on fixing the most serious issues first, ensuring that the application is as stable and bug-free as possible.

Important Points

Here are some important points to keep in mind when working with severity and priority in defect tracking:

  • Use a consistent methodology for assigning severity and priority to bugs and issues.
  • Be sure to communicate severity and priority to the entire team so that everyone is aware of the priorities.
  • Re-evaluate severity and priority as new bugs and issues are discovered to ensure that the most critical issues are addressed first.
  • Prioritize bugs and issues based on the overall impact to the application and its users.


In this tutorial, we discussed severity and priority in defect tracking. We covered syntax, example, explanation, use, and important points of assigning severity and priority to bugs and issues so that teams can prioritize their work and ensure that the most critical bugs are fixed first. By using a consistent methodology for assigning severity and priority, teams can make sure that their efforts are focused on the most important issues, resulting in a stable and reliable application.

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