  1. software-testing-negative-testing

Negative Testing - Types of Software Testing

Negative testing is a type of software testing that involves testing the software with invalid input data or unexpected user actions to check how well the software can handle errors and exceptions. In this tutorial, we will discuss the basics of negative testing and its significance in software testing.

Understanding Negative Testing


In negative testing, the tester should intentionally input invalid data or take unexpected actions to create negative scenarios. The main objective is to identify defects, errors, and exceptions that can occur in real-life scenarios and ensure that the software can handle them appropriately.


For example, in a login scenario, the tester may try to enter an incorrect username or password to see how the software responds. The tester may also intentionally enter special characters or invalid data in the input fields to test the input validation and error handling functionality of the software.


The output of negative testing is to identify defects and errors in the software and ensure that the software can handle errors, exceptions, and invalid input data properly.


Negative testing is an important part of software testing as it helps to identify potential risks and issues that may occur in the production environment. By testing for negative scenarios, you can ensure that the software can handle errors and exceptions appropriately and recover gracefully.

Negative testing can be performed manually or automated using test automation tools. It is important to perform negative testing during all stages of software testing, including unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing.


Negative testing is essential to ensure that the software is robust and can handle unexpected scenarios gracefully. It helps to identify issues and defects that can lead to system failures, crashes, or security breaches. By performing negative testing, you can help ensure that your software is reliable and able to handle real-world scenarios.

Important Points

  • Negative testing involves testing the software with invalid input data or unexpected user actions.
  • It is an essential part of software testing to ensure that the software can handle errors and exceptions gracefully.
  • Negative testing can be performed manually or automated using test automation tools.


In this tutorial, we learned about negative testing, a type of software testing that involves testing the software with invalid input data or unexpected user actions to ensure that the software can handle errors and exceptions gracefully. Negative testing can help identify potential risks and issues that may occur in real-life scenarios, and it is essential for ensuring that the software is reliable and robust. By performing negative testing, you can help ensure that your software is able to handle all kinds of input data and unexpected scenarios.

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