  1. software-testing-control-flow-testing

Control Flow Testing

Control flow testing is a white box testing technique that focuses on testing the different execution paths of software applications. The aim of control flow testing is to exercise all the program statements and branches to ensure that each statement and branch behaves as expected.


There is no specific syntax for control flow testing as it is a technique rather than a testing tool.


Suppose you have a piece of code with an if-else statement. The following is an example of control flow testing for the code segment.

if (a > b) {
  c = a + b;
} else {
  c = a - b;

In this example, we would need to create test cases that satisfy both conditions - a is greater than b and a is less than or equal to b. These test cases will ensure that both branches of the if-else statement are tested.


The output of control flow testing will vary depending on the program being tested. However, the goal is to ensure that all statements and branches are executed as intended.


Control flow testing is used to test software applications by ensuring that all possible execution paths are exercised. This testing technique is also known as path testing or structural testing. It involves analyzing the structure of the code and creating test cases that exercise each statement and branch of the code.


Control flow testing is useful for ensuring that all possible program paths are tested. By testing all possible paths, developers can identify issues such as dead code, infinite loops, and logical errors that may be missed by other testing techniques.

Important Points

  • Control flow testing requires knowledge of the program's structure, such as the control flow statements, loops, and branches.
  • Branch coverage is a key metric in control flow testing and indicates the percentage of branches executed during testing.
  • Code coverage tools can be used to automate the process of testing all possible control flow paths.


Control flow testing is a white box testing technique that focuses on testing the different execution paths of software applications. It involves analyzing the structure of the code and creating test cases that exercise each statement and branch of the code to ensure that all possible paths are tested. By using control flow testing, developers can detect issues such as dead code, infinite loops, or logical errors that may go unnoticed with other testing techniques. Branch coverage is a key metric in this type of testing and code coverage tools can simplify the process of testing all control flow paths.

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