  1. software-testing-software-testingvs-embedded-testing

Software Testing vs Embedded Testing - Testing Differences

Software testing and embedded testing are two different types of testing that are used to ensure the quality of software applications and embedded systems. In this tutorial, we will explore the differences between software testing and embedded testing.

Understanding the Differences between Software Testing and Embedded Testing


Software testing involves testing software applications that are installed on a computer or server. This type of testing is usually performed on systems with a general-purpose operating system, such as Windows, macOS, or Linux.

Embedded testing, on the other hand, involves testing embedded systems that are designed for a specific purpose and are often built into a device or product. This type of testing is usually performed on systems with a real-time operating system (RTOS), such as QNX, VxWorks, or Embedded Linux.


As an example, let's consider a software application that runs on a desktop computer and an embedded system that controls a car's anti-lock brake system (ABS). Here are some of the main differences between testing these two systems:

  • Software Testing: In software testing, we can use a variety of tools and techniques, such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing. We can test the application on different operating systems, use simulated data, and automate the testing process. In this case, the testing is done on a desktop computer or server.
  • Embedded Testing: In embedded testing, we typically use hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing or software-in-the-loop (SIL) testing to test the control system that runs on the embedded device. The testing is usually done on an integrated system that includes the embedded device, sensors, actuators, and other components.


The output of software testing and embedded testing is to ensure the quality and reliability of the software application or embedded system being tested.


Software testing and embedded testing are two different types of testing that require different approaches and tools.

Software testing focuses on testing software applications installed on a computer or server. These types of applications can be tested using a range of testing techniques, including unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing.

Embedded testing focuses on testing software running on hardware devices with a real-time operating system. These devices typically have limited processing power and memory, and operate in real-time. Embedded testing requires specialized hardware and software tools that emulate the device's environment.


Software testing and embedded testing are essential for ensuring the quality and reliability of software applications and embedded systems respectively. By identifying and addressing issues during testing, we can ensure that the final product meets the end user's requirements.

Important Points

  • Software testing focuses on testing software applications that run on a computer or server.
  • Embedded testing focuses on testing software running on devices with an RTOS.
  • The testing techniques, tools, and approaches used in software testing and embedded testing are different.


In this tutorial, we explored the differences between software testing and embedded testing. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points to help you better understand how these two types of testing are different. By understanding the differences between software testing and embedded testing, we can choose the right approach and tools for the testing process and ensure that the final product meets the end user's requirements.

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