  1. software-testing-use-case

Use Case

In software testing, a use case is a black box technique used to identify and specify requirements for software applications. It is a method for capturing the functional requirements of a system by describing use cases or scenarios where the system is used to achieve specific goals.


There is no specific syntax for creating a use case, as it is a descriptive technique for identifying functional requirements.


Consider a use case for a banking application that allows customers to transfer funds between accounts:

Use Case Name: Transfer Funds

Actors: Customer, Bank

Description: This use case describes the process of transferring funds between accounts.

Trigger: Customer selects the option to transfer funds from their account.

- Customer must be logged in to their account.
- Customer must have at least two accounts with the bank.

Basic Flow:
1. Customer selects the option to transfer funds from their account.
2. System displays a form to enter transfer details (e.g., source account, destination account, transfer amount).
3. Customer enters transfer details and submits the form.
4. System validates input and deducts transfer amount from source account.
5. System credits transfer amount to destination account.
6. System displays confirmation message to the customer.

Alternate Flows:
- If customers entered an invalid amount or account number, show an error message.
- If the source account has insufficient funds to complete the transfer, show an error message.

- Funds have been transferred from the source account to the destination account.


The output of a use case is a description of the functional requirements for a system, typically documented using a template or a scenario-based format.


A use case is a black box technique for identifying and specifying requirements for software applications. It captures the functional requirements of the system by describing use cases or scenarios where the system is used to achieve specific goals. Use cases typically describe the flow of events that occur when a user interacts with the system to achieve a specific goal.


Use cases are typically used to identify and specify requirements for software applications. They can be used to communicate requirements to developers, testers, and other stakeholders, and to ensure that the system meets the needs of the users.

Important Points

  • Use cases are a black box technique for identifying and specifying requirements for software applications.
  • Use cases describe the flow of events that occur when a user interacts with the system to achieve a specific goal.
  • Use cases should be written in a scenario-based format, using a template that captures all relevant information.
  • Use cases should be reviewed, validated, and tested to ensure that they accurately reflect the needs of the users and that the system meets those needs.


Use cases are a black box technique used to identify and specify requirements for software applications. They describe the flow of events that occur when a user interacts with the system to achieve a specific goal. Use cases should be documented using a template or a scenario-based format, and reviewed, validated, and tested to ensure that they accurately reflect the needs of the users and that the system meets those needs.

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