  1. software-testing-system-testing-vs-acceptance-testing

System Testing vs Acceptance Testing - Testing Differences

System testing and acceptance testing are two important types of software testing that are used to ensure that a software application meets the desired quality standards. In this tutorial, we will explore the differences between system testing and acceptance testing.

Understanding System Testing and Acceptance Testing


System testing is a type of software testing that verifies the system’s compliance with the specified requirements. It tests the entire software system as a whole, including integration testing, functional testing, and non-functional testing.

Acceptance testing, on the other hand, is a process of evaluating a software application's compliance with business requirements. It involves testing a software application from a user's perspective to ensure that it fulfills the intended purpose and produces the desired outputs.


Let's consider an example of system testing and acceptance testing.

Suppose a software application is being developed to manage employee timecards. System testing would involve testing each component of the software system, including the user interface, database, logging, etc.

Acceptance testing, on the other hand, would involve testing whether or not the software system meets business requirements. In the case of the employee timecards software, acceptance testing would involve validating that the system tracks each employee's time, calculates total hours worked, and generates accurate reports.


The output of system testing and acceptance testing is the identification and resolution of defects and the validation of software system compliance with requirements.


System testing and acceptance testing are both critical types of software testing, but they differ in their scope and objectives.

System testing verifies that the software system operates as intended, without error, and meets specified requirements. Acceptance testing ensures that the software system meets the business's needs and operates according to the organization's expectations.


System testing and acceptance testing are used to ensure the quality of software applications. System testing focuses on the internal workings of the system, while acceptance testing validates that the system meets business requirements and produces the desired outputs.

Important Points

  • System testing verifies the system’s compliance with the specified requirements.
  • Acceptance testing evaluates whether the software application meets the business requirements and operates according to the organization's expectations.
  • System testing and acceptance testing are both important types of software testing and should be used in conjunction to ensure the quality of the software application.


In this tutorial, we explored the differences between system testing and acceptance testing. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points to provide a better understanding of the two types of software testing. Both system testing and acceptance testing are critical to ensuring the quality of software applications. System testing helps verify compliance with specified requirements, while acceptance testing ensures that the system meets business needs and produces the desired outputs.

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