  1. software-testing-all-pair-testing

All-pair Testing

All-pair testing is a black-box testing technique that involves creating test cases that cover all possible pairs of values for all input parameters. It is also known as pairwise testing or combinatorial testing.


There is no specific syntax for all-pair testing. However, there are several tools and techniques available that can generate all-pair test cases for a given set of input parameters.


Consider the following example, where we need to test a login page that accepts three input parameters:

  • Username (1-10 characters)
  • Password (6-12 characters)
  • Language (English, Spanish, French)

Using all-pair testing, we can generate the following six test cases that cover all possible pairs of input parameter values:

  1. Username: 1 character, Password: 6 characters, Language: English
  2. Username: 2 characters, Password: 7 characters, Language: Spanish
  3. Username: 3 characters, Password: 8 characters, Language: French
  4. Username: 4 characters, Password: 9 characters, Language: English
  5. Username: 5 characters, Password: 10 characters, Language: Spanish
  6. Username: 6 characters, Password: 12 characters, Language: French

These six test cases cover all possible pairs of values for the three input parameters, ensuring comprehensive testing of the login page.


The output of all-pair testing is a set of test cases that cover all possible pairs of values for all input parameters. These test cases can be used to test the software application to ensure that it functions correctly across all possible combinations of input parameter values.


All-pair testing is a black-box testing technique that involves creating test cases that cover all possible pairs of input parameter values. It is based on the observation that most defects in software applications are triggered by a combination of input parameter values, rather than individual values.

By creating all-pair test cases, it is possible to achieve comprehensive testing of the software application using a relatively small number of test cases. This can save time and effort, while still ensuring that the application functions correctly across all possible input parameter combinations.


All-pair testing is particularly useful in scenarios where there are multiple input parameters with a large number of possible values. It is commonly used in software testing to ensure comprehensive testing of software applications within a relatively short period.

Important Points

  • While all-pair testing can significantly reduce the number of test cases required for comprehensive testing, it cannot guarantee that all defects will be identified.
  • It is important to ensure that all-pair testing is used in conjunction with other testing techniques, such as boundary testing and equivalence partitioning, to achieve comprehensive testing.


All-pair testing is a black-box testing technique that involves creating test cases that cover all possible pairs of input parameter values. It is particularly useful in scenarios where there are multiple input parameters with a large number of possible values, as it enables comprehensive testing of the software application using a relatively small number of test cases. While all-pair testing cannot guarantee that all defects will be identified, it can significantly reduce the time and effort required for software testing.

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