  1. software-testing-statement-coverage-testing

Statement Coverage Testing

Statement Coverage testing is a white box technique used to determine the percentage of statements that have been executed by a test suite. A statement can be any executable line of code, such as an assignment or a function call. Statement coverage testing is a measure of how thoroughly a test suite covers the source code.


There is no specific syntax for statement coverage testing.


Consider the following example code snippet:

def add_numbers(a, b):
    if a > b:
        print("a is greater than b")
        print("b is greater than a")
    total = a + b
    return total

To achieve statement coverage for this code, we need to write a test case that executes every line of code at least once. Here is an example test case that achieves statement coverage:

def test_add_numbers():
    assert add_numbers(4, 3) == 7
    assert add_numbers(2, 8) == 10

This test case executes every line of code in the add_numbers function and achieves 100% statement coverage.


Statement coverage testing is a white box technique that measures how many statements in the source code have been executed by a test suite. To achieve statement coverage, we need to write test cases that execute every line of code at least once. This ensures that every executable line of code has been tested.


Statement coverage testing is commonly used in software testing to assess the quality of test suites. It is a helpful technique for understanding how well a given test suite covers the source code. By using statement coverage testing in combination with other testing techniques, we can gain confidence in the correctness of our software.

Important Points

  • Statement coverage testing measures how many executable lines of code have been executed by a test suite.
  • Achieving 100% statement coverage does not guarantee that the code is error-free, but it does give a measure of how thoroughly the code has been tested.
  • Statement coverage testing is a white box technique, as it requires knowledge of the source code.


Statement coverage is a white box testing technique used to measure how thoroughly a test suite covers a given source code. It measures the percentage of executable lines of code that have been executed by a test suite. Achieving 100% statement coverage does not guarantee that the code is error-free, but it can give confidence in the quality of the test suite. Statement coverage testing is a valuable tool for assessing the quality of a test suite.

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