  1. software-testing-smoke-testing-vs-sanity-testing

Smoke Testing vs Sanity Testing - Testing Differences

Smoke testing and sanity testing are two types of testing used in software testing to ensure that the application is stable and ready for further testing. In this tutorial, we will explore the differences between smoke testing and sanity testing.

Understanding Smoke Testing and Sanity Testing


Smoke testing is a type of testing that is performed after a build to ensure that the critical functionalities of the application are working correctly. Sanity testing is a type of testing that is performed after a build to ensure that the specific functionality or bug fix is working as expected.


Let's assume that we have a new build of a software application, and we want to perform smoke testing and sanity testing. Here's an example of how we can approach these tests:

  1. Smoke testing: We will perform initial testing of the application by checking the main functionalities. For example, if the application is an e-commerce website, we will check if users can log in, add items to the cart, and checkout. If these functionalities are working correctly, we will move forward with further testing.
  2. Sanity testing: We will perform focused testing on a specific functionality or bug fix. For example, if we have fixed a bug related to user registration, we will perform testing to ensure that the registration functionality is working correctly after the fix.


The output of smokes testing and sanity testing is a list of bugs found during the testing process. Using these test results, developers can fix bugs before further testing or release of the software application.


Smoke testing and sanity testing are two important types of testing in software testing. Smoke testing is performed to check the critical functionalities of the application, while sanity testing is performed to check the specific functionality or bug fix. Both tests help to ensure that the application is stable and ready for further testing.


Smoke testing and sanity testing are useful for ensuring that the application is stable and ready for further testing. They help catch any critical bugs before more extensive testing begins and prevent issues from occurring during release.

Important Points

  • Smoke testing is performed after a build to ensure the critical functionalities of the application are working correctly.
  • Sanity testing is performed after a build to ensure that a specific functionality or bug fix is working as expected.
  • Both types of testing are useful for preventing issues from occurring during release.


In this tutorial, we learned about smoke testing and sanity testing, their syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points. Smoke testing and sanity testing are useful types of testing that can help ensure that the software application is stable and ready for further testing or release. By catching critical bugs early on, teams can avoid issues and ensure a better user experience.

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